Tarangire National Park

Tarangire National Park

Tarangire is one of northern Tanzania’s major seasonal parks, with a lot of migratory activity within the Tarangire environment. Large herds of animals are drawn to the Tarangire River during the dry season, which runs from June to October. The elephant population is currently at an all-time high, and the park should be included in any safari in northern Tanzania.


While migratory wildebeest, zebra, buffalo, impala, gazelle, hartebeest, and eland swarm the dwindling lagoons, herds of up to 300 elephant can be observed hunting for underground streams in the parched riverbeds. Mongoose colonies are frequently found in abandoned termite mounds. All of the primary predators are there, but because to dense foliage, they are not seen as frequently as in some of Tanzania’s other parks.


The Tarangire River is the park’s most prominent feature. Despite the fact that it is frequently dry, the park is densely covered with acacia shrubs and mixed woods. The massive baobab trees that are strewn about in large numbers are the most memorable. A large seasonal swamp network runs through the park’s south and east, serving as a major water catchment area.