Nyerere (Selous) National Park

Nyerere (Selous) National Park

The largest national park in Africa is Nyerere National Park (previously Selous GR). The Rufiji River and its network of interconnecting lakes are the lifeblood of this wilderness. During the dry season, from June to October, the quantity of water attracts a large number of animals. Predator sightings are most rewarding during game drives, but boat and foot safaris provide a new depth to your visit.


Hippo and crocodile abound in the Rufiji River, and the birdlife is spectacular. Lion sightings are common since the opportunistic animals prefer to lie around the lakes, waiting for animals to come to drink. The ability to see wild dogs is one of the park’s attractions.


The major wildlife viewing circuit follows a chain of five linked lakes supplied by the Rufiji River. With palm-fringed channels and swampy islets, the Rufiji is one of Africa’s great rivers.

Weather & Climate

Because of its equatorial location, Nyerere National Park has consistent temperatures throughout the year. The main difference is a modest drop during the Dry season (June to October), when the weather is significantly colder. In either case, the weather is hot and humid, as is typical of the local Wet season (November to May).